The company was founded in the year 2013 by Mr Manish Jain, a BCOM (from St Xavier’s Kolkata), MBA Graduate (in HRM & CRM- from Symbiosis, Pune).

His sheer adaptation of the knowledge of the basics of the trick of the trade – in the practical filed has helped the company grow from the day 1. His previous experience in Marketing as well as in the DRA has catapulted the company from merely being a small enterprise into a company full of enthusiasm & dream to achieve all goals.

Today the company enjoys the patronage of more than 800 satisfied clients as on today, and the list is growing daily. The goodwill earned due to transparent attitude, honesty, hard work & timely results have earned the most dedicated company in this field.

Passing in the baton to the NEXT Gen- the company is being now poised to reach higher goals – as Mr Bharat Raj Jain is now looking to expand the firm, along with launching his own new venture into medical devices -by the name & style of “Medihaat”- under the banner of Ratnakar Imports LLP (sister concern).

Raj Pharma Consultancy

Raj Pharma Consultancy offers comprehensive Pharmaceutical Regulatory Affair services. We offer best solutions to meet all kind of challenges in this field. The rich experience of more than 20 years gathered in this field has helped to transform a mere “Postman” job to a high end updated & upgraded Team Work effort to reap the ripened fruits of success.

For us the meaning of the word “TEAM” is “TOGETHER EVERYONE ACHIEVES MORE”. The conceptual acceptance of this word has helped grow with leaps & bounds – both for the company as well as for our individual clients.

Our positive approach & dedication towards each assignment has resulted in more than 99.9% of success rate during the last 10 years of journey.